Hand Rehabilitation

Hand therapy is the rehabilitation specialty of the upper extremity which includes the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder region. Hand therapy at our facility is performed by a Certified Hand Therapist.
Certified Hand Therapists (CHT) are occupational or physical therapists who have a minimum of five (5) years of clinical experience, including 4000 hours or more in direct provision of upper extremity therapy. Additionally, a CHT must successfully pass a comprehensive examination of advanced clinical skills and theory in upper extremity rehabilitation. These clinicians have demonstrated a commitment to excellence by obtaining this voluntary credential.
The Center for Hand and Physical Therapy therapists have established close working relationships with referring physicians which maximize treatment outcomes. The scope of hand/occupational therapy services offered include: wound and scar management, edema control, pain control, range of motion exercises, work hardening, work stimulation, strengthening, static and dynamic splint fabrication, and dexterity training among others.
Common diagnoses included in the scope of Hand Therapy:
Tendonous Injuries and Surgical Repairs
Capsular Pathologies
Fractures of hand/wrist/arm/shoulder
Nerve Injuries and Compressions
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Tumors or Cysts
Chronic or Regional Pain Syndrome
Shoulder Pain/Post Op Shoulder Rehabilitation